Friday 4 March 2016

A throwback: Umang Lambha Customer Profiling 


Geetaben and Babubhai Chauhan, Umang Lambha, Flat No. R3-117
In order to better understand the target community it aims to serve, ASHRAM and Griha Pravesh undertook a survey of 360 of the 500 customers of DBS's first project “Umang Lambha” in May 2011. The findings from the survey, which are important for the different entities involved in the affordable housing segment, are given below.

Income Levels

56% of the respondents earn Rs.20,000 or less per month and 27% earn between Rs.20,000 to Rs.30,000 per month. Since many households have more than one earner and/or comprise joint families, there is a possibility that some respondents only reported their own incomes. Thus, there may be some under reporting of the family income.


Umang Lambha Customer Profile

Of the 60% respondents who are self-employed or informally employed, 36% are self-employed, 6% have small shops/ stalls, 9% are daily-wage workers, 3% are independent service providers such as plumbers, electricians, mechanics etc., 7% are working as auto-rickshaw and bus drivers or conductors etc. and 1 % are home-based workers. 40% of the respondents are formally employed/ salaried (4% in Government and 36% in private employment).

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